Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

your 10-years-later self

Hello the older me 10 years later,
If you’re still got this letter with you, I assured you that it will be fun. And even though you’re busy with your jobs or maybe with your family, please spare some of your time and read this. You can read it along with your children if you want.
Please remember your hardship so far and hold them dear in your heart. Don’t treat them as a burden, because it is the thing that makes you the person you’re right now. It is the thing that makes you strong right now. The present me really hope that you never forget who you really are: a boy with a big dream that always smiles to others and care for others well-being. A little selfish maybe, but we all know that no one is perfect, right?
Remember what have you learned in the past. Losing is a bitter pill you have already feel so many times. So, don’t make too many mistakes in the future.
Last but not least, be grateful for what you have right now because that is what you want once in the past. Be grateful, I meant it. No, seriously, be grateful.

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