Jumat, 23 September 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris, Favorite Selfie and Why ?


On this occasion I will discuss about the selfie. Selfie is a kind of self-portrait photos taken by myself using a camera, either a digital camera or camera phone. Selfie commonly called by photographing oneself, narcissistic or Selfie photo.
With selfie way we can perpetuate an event.
Selfie my favorite place is the place where an event organized on the government side want any of the private sector. Photo above is one of the photos in an event FESTIVAL BUDAYA BUMI KHATULISTIWA (FBBK). This festival is a festival an annual event organized by the government to see the dancing talent of the nation. On this occasion I will tell you about from the beginning of our preparation to participate in this event until we have followed this event.
I’m Hilarius Hardian, I'll tell you about my experience while attending the event. At that time I was still in grade 1 high school and I'm still 15 years old. I was one of the members of the studio Tampun juah in Sintang. I am as a musician in our studio, which play musical instruments kolintang. Almost every day we practice in order to perform optimally at the event. The event was held ditaman pontianak culture, precisely in October 2013 ago. we are one of the members of Sintang. Several days before the event we have started preparing what will we bring to pontianak. In the race this time we will bring a dance entitled MUKAK UMBUNG, the main character named DARA LUMAU. Two days prior to the event we were berangkan of town Sintang towards Pontianak using a bus. After arriving in Pontianak, we were staying in one of the hotal, the hotel pigeons in the Imam Bonjol. One day before the event we were doing rehearsals in the park of culture and we set out to use the school bus. After rehearsing, we went back to the hotel. At this time I am not become a musician, but have become official by the chairman of our studio. On the very day of our race was started with a prayer. The event was followed from various areas in West Kalimantan nothing of Kapuas Hulu, Singkawang, Sanggau, Sekadau, and some areas in West Kalimantan. In this race we managed to perform very well. At last it was time announcement of the winner of the race, and we were chosen as the winner. I am very happy because the results of our hard work paid off to get a result first prize and was chosen to follow an event in Jakarta. We managed property in the name of Sintang district to get first prize. After the show we went back to the hotel by bus. On the next day we were selected to attend the event at Cafe Nineteen. We are performing a song titled Bumi Khatulistiwa. On to the next morning we decided to go back to Sintang using inter-city bus, Damri. A few days after we got Sintang I decided to get out of the studio with a reason to focus on school. Because I was too busy if I have to follow the studio again. I followed with my studio can learn traditional music and dance.

It is a valuable experience to me, that I will always remember.

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